Yes, Hyper Sonic Sites works with all political parties.
IP Hyper Targeting technology is very new, and while there have been precursors that use web browsing history (typically from cookies) to target ads, we are the first technology to hyper-accurately target voters based on home IP.
We are actively reaching out to Agency folks, consultants, and campaigns.
Yes – the technology can be applied to any list of physical addresses. If you have purchased a list from a broker or other source – you need to check on any restrictions on the use of that data. IP Hyper Targeting uses client provided data and, as part of our advertising agreement, requires an acknowledgement that you have the rights to use any list you provide.
We take your data and assign a unique privacy ID that protects individual computers from being personally identified.
We deliver anywhere from 50% – 95% matches – depending on the information you provide. Then we can show you the actual addresses where the ads are being served.
Candidates still need to have an effective ground game and multi-modal media campaign. Hyper Sonic Sites can assist with all aspects of your online presence. IP Hyper Target Marketing is a part of an integrated media plan and simply replaces a portion of your traditional media spend and makes it more effective. For smaller campaigns where traditional media is too expensive, IP Hyper Target Marketing will probably become your primary form of advertising.
There is a wealth of additional useful information available in the IP Target Marketing section of our website. Or contact us and we’ll be happy to discuss specific solutions for your project.